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akashic records

What are the akashic records?

The Akashic Records are the universal archive of every soul's journey; the impressions of all that has been, currently is, and will be are stored here. This includes past and future lives, soul path information, contracts, and more.


Working in the Records can be an eye-opening and healing experience, offering perspective and guidance where you need it most.  Information in the Akashic Record is delivered to enlighten and empower, and is completely unique to you and your soul's journey.


Our readings act as an of exploration of you. Once the Records are open, I will deliver any immediate information that comes through. Together, we will then work through any prepared questions you have. Information from the Records is always loving, and you can expect clarity, perspective, and guidance that transcends simple "yes" or "no" answers.

How should i prepare for my reading?

Accessing your Akashic Records can be therapeutic, enlightening, and healing. Going in with an open mind and positive intention is the best prep you can take leading up to the reading.


Additionally, I recommend putting together 3-5 self-focused questions. Crafting this for the Akashic Records is a bit different than a general psychic reading; here we are exploring the path of your soul, such as past lives, soul contracts, and broader topics than what might be covered elsewhere. Often these questions will lead into discussing specific aspects of your current life, but the information will be presented in more complex ways than just “yes” or “no”. Here are some examples of self-focused questions that work well with the Akashic Records:


  • What is a specific past life that is influencing me in this incarnation?

  • What is my soul purpose right now?

  • Did I know person X in a past lifetime?  What was our connection?

  • What is my current illness/condition/fear teaching me? Am I carrying this from a past life?

  • Is my career in alignment with my soul purpose?

  • I feel a strong connection to place X. Did I ever have a past life there?


To book a reading, reach out using the booking form, or by emailing  I'll get back to you with my soonest availability.


Readings are conducted via Skype or Zoom, which allows me to connect with anyone worldwide.  Appointments are booked using Eastern Standard Time.


$120 / 60 minutes

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