events and group readings
Join me weekly on Clubhouse!
Follow me @katiewithspirit, and join my club, Psychic Reading Room to stay up to date on the fun stuff (like pop up rooms).
Every Tuesday @ 5:30pm EST: Free Mini-Readings! Join me and my wonderfully intuitive soul family for psychic guidance. Raise your hand early to join us on stage--first come, first serve in this swiftly growing room. Final reading of the night goes to an intuitive pick from the audience.
pop up:
You're Psychic! Practice Room: ESP, telepathy, and general psychic practice for all, no experience necessary. Join us whether you're a working medium or simply curious. This is a laid back safe space to play with your clairs.
Past Life + Akashic Records: Free Mini-Readings! Delving into our past lives can offer us valuable tools for healing and learning in our present one. This is one of my favorite rooms to host!